Ward Core Values
Core Values are statements of belief about attitudes, skills, and approaches to learning that we want to foster in our children. They are intended to permeate and to be reflected by every aspect of school life, in and out of the classroom, as well as home and community life. In addition, they can be seen as broad statements of purpose that focus the school’s energies in curriculum, programs, and policies.
Every Newton public school has been charged with developing its own set of "core values”. During the 1991 - 1992 school year, Ward parents and teachers began thinking about the values they cherished in their community beginning with a presentation by Wellesley Middle School principal, John D’Auria. The Ward PTO then surveyed parents and staff asking, “What are the two or three most important values we want our children to learn here at the Ward School?” Separate committees of parents and teachers categorized, combined, and ranked the responses. Then parents and teachers formed a joint committee to draft statements reflecting these results. The (Ward School’s) four values are: respect, self-esteem, love of learning, and academic excellence. During the 1997 -1998 school year, a parent/teacher committee was organized to review the core values, to update the statements describing these values, and to develop a home/school activity to make the community aware of the Ward core values.
Every Newton public school has been charged with developing its own set of "core values”. During the 1991 - 1992 school year, Ward parents and teachers began thinking about the values they cherished in their community beginning with a presentation by Wellesley Middle School principal, John D’Auria. The Ward PTO then surveyed parents and staff asking, “What are the two or three most important values we want our children to learn here at the Ward School?” Separate committees of parents and teachers categorized, combined, and ranked the responses. Then parents and teachers formed a joint committee to draft statements reflecting these results. The (Ward School’s) four values are: respect, self-esteem, love of learning, and academic excellence. During the 1997 -1998 school year, a parent/teacher committee was organized to review the core values, to update the statements describing these values, and to develop a home/school activity to make the community aware of the Ward core values.
Recognize that we are all individuals with different skills, needs, and interests.
In all we do, treat others, both children and adults, with dignity and kindness.
Show consideration for the opinions, the property, and the rights of others.
Be willing to take risks, learn from mistakes, and meet challenges.
Put forth consistent effort.
Be intellectually curious.
Show excitement about the pursuit of knowledge.
Gain knowledge and understanding of basic subjects.
Utilize the organizational skills necessary for future learning.
Develop habits of critical thinking and creative self expression.